Jumat, 23 September 2016

why chose science soil

Hello evrybody my  name is dhika sambora i form sinntang. at pontianak i life  on street tanjung sari. my hobby is playing football and badminton. my religion is islam my idea is police i opption science soil because i think science soil have big job opportuinities and in indonesia many require science soil graduate for his company needs. the science soil not his my first option but my second option .why the finish science soil option because my parent and couraged me to option is science soil .why me last because after me into science soil class i think not bad and i very enjoy to follow study at this science soil class and there i meet amazing lecturer,good seniors and  have many friends and this here sense of family is so greats forward my plan ,the first i want graduates on time because if iwant graduates on time its showed that i had a reasonery good performance and then i can get a job quickly after geting my salary would be self litle by litle for my future that is build a house of my own toil and its all my future forward as graduates science soil i hope i can consummates plan my forward future

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