Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

recommend to place

Asalammualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Meet again with me dhika Sambora on my personal blog dhikamahreja.blogspot.com. how are you today? I hope you will be fine. As usual I always got the task weekly posts from my lecturer. This time I got an assignment from lecturer to recommend sights in my home town of the city of Sintang. If in your city a place where the most famous tourist?. if Sintang famous tourist spot is
kelam hill.  spots on the hill many great spots to take pictures, view from the top of the hill is also very interesting , leafy trees there so that soothes us when walking the street there. On the hill there are also waterfalls kelam and we could shower there. Usually during the holiday season many people come there and enjoy the sights there as well as a shower under a waterfall kelam hill. There are also a lot of snacks that we can enjoy as we walk our streets or after bathing in the waterfall hill leaden, if friends want to go there please do not litter so as not to interfere with the beauty there. As well as if you are there do not forget your camera to immortalize okay. Maybe that's all I can convey to the task this time. thank you for the attention you have been reading my blog this bye..............................

Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

the last meal

Asalammualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
bertemu lagi dengan saya dhika di blog pribadi saya dhikamahreja.blogspot.com pertama tama saya ucapkan terima kasih banyak atas kunjungan anda ke blog saya. apa kabar kalian hari ini ? saya harap kalian baik baik saja dan selau sehat agar bisa menjalankan aktivitas setiap harinya. seperti biasanya saya mendapat tugas mingguan dari dosen saya dan mempostingnya di blog pribadi saya ini dhikamahreja.blogspot.com. kali ini tugas saya adalah memilih makanan terakhir dibumi dan menjelaskan alasannya mengapa saya memilihnya. jika kalian menjadi saya makanan apa yang kalian pilih ? kalau saya akan memilih makanan mie ayam karena mie ayam adalah makanan kesukaan saya dan menurut saya mie ayam kaya akan rempah rempah di mie ayam juga sudah pasti terdapat ayam, mie dan sayur sayuran ditambah dengan minyak bawang yang memperkaya rasa dari mie ayam itu sendiri. mie ayam mudah di dapatkan di indonesia, di setiap daerah pasti ada yang menjual mie ayam biasanya mie ayam di jual di pinggir jalan dan juga di restoran ternama dengan harga yang terjangkau pastinya . sekian dari saya dalam tugas ini saya harap ini bermanfaat bagi kalian dan saya harap kalian akan selalu menunggu postingan saya selanjutnya karena masih ada tugas tugas yang seru berikutnya  saya ucapkan terima kasih asalmmualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Kamis, 24 November 2016

a letter to my younger self and my 10years later self

Assalamualaikum warahmatulllahiwabarakatuh My name dhika Sambora. Met again on my blog dhikamahreja.blogspot. com, how are you who read this blog? I hope you guys alright previously thank you for visiting my blog this time I get a job as usual is posting weekly assignments. This time my job is a message for me now and 10 years to come. You all must have a message and ideals weeks to the fore not? Better than my stories were not clear so I just, a message to me now are:
1. Must be diligent in worship
2. It must be independent and more mature
3. Do not be lazy in college and stay on task given what the lecturer
4. Must have a passion in the lecture
5. Motivated
 6. Learning diligent
And the message for 10 years to come are:
1. Have a simple family
2. Have sufficient work to support my simple family
3. The happy parents
4. Having your own home
5. The work that remains and prosperous
Maybe it was just a message that is not so excessive and we will meet again on my blog at the next opportunity. I dhika Sambora asked for prayers from all of you in order to materialize the messages what I make for myself. And hopefully your future goals in future also achieved. amen I say thankyou, wassalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

Rabu, 23 November 2016

warm up

1.What websites do you use to find information ?which are the best ? Why ?
Sandy: "ewid, what are you doing?"
Ewid: "I'm looking for information on google !!
Fahmi: "What information are you reading ??
Dhika: "Why should google ??
Ewid: "Because the information is complete and accurate in google !!
Sandy: "It is not only the only information that we can get on google, but also learning !!
Dhika: "Then I also want to try
Fahmi: "I also often looking for information on google about Task campus !!

2.Does your school or teacher have any rules about using such sites
Sandy: "What's on our campus allow students to perform tasks using google?
Dhika: "As far as I am okay, as long as the sites open positive
Ewid: "I have not heard a regulation that prohibited the students do the work using google
Fahmi: "Absolutely, I've never heard of
Ewid: "And not all tasks have to be done using google
Sandy: "It is also true
Fahmi: "We must be smart use technology in their studies
Dhika: "I agree with fahmi.
3.What Are The Differences between online information and information from libraries or Encyclopedia ?
Fahmi: "According to my information on the Internet is easy, because it does not make us to bother.
Dhika: "No, I think in the library is more complete because his books very much and a lot of source
Ewid: "Well, I think the same, either in the library or on the internet information equally complete
Sandy: "I agree

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

your karaoke song of choice and why

My karaoke song of choice and why
asalamualaikumwarormatullahi wabarokatuh hello friends how are you i hope both fine and always given health. met again on my blog dhikamahreja.blogspot.com. This time I got an assignment from my lecturer which describe my favorite songs and give the reason. I sing songs that are often called '' a tale klasik''dari grub band shela on seven, why my song "a classic story" often I sing because I like the first band shelia grub on 7, I think this band as well known as well the voice of the vocalist was also nice and long band is engaged in the world of music songs are also nice things but the most often and love I sing is a song called "a classic story" is then an interesting thing on this track is a music video too nice and content of the song is also an expression that I want to tell a friend and my best friend and neighbor is also a solidarity .makna meaning of the song is a farewell days of school not mean severing ties of friendship and camaraderie was not for a day or two, but forever. so I hope that maybe helpful to you thank you for visiting my blog and have been reading it